2022 Landscaping Trends You’re Going to Want to Follow

When the temperatures are cold outside, the trees are bare, and there’s a chance of snow in the forecast, our thoughts turn to spring. Really. January is a great time to start planning for a revamp of your landscaping. That’s why we’ve pulled together our top 4 landscaping trends for 2022. 

Let’s take a look.

Maximize Garden Space

There are many ways to maximize garden space. One is by removing turf grass and installing garden beds in their place. Another is to use pots and planters on your deck or balcony. And a third is a trend that is growing (literally) every year. We’re talking about vertical gardening.

Whether you have a trellis and you train vines or a garden wall where you have alcoves for pots, or something else altogether, vertical gardening is becoming more and more popular, both for kitchen gardens and flower gardens.

Sustainable Gardening

Sustainable gardening is an eco-friendly type of gardening that can simply mean choosing the right plants for the right place. It includes taking into consideration how large a plant, shrub, or tree will be when fully grown, and planting it somewhere it can reach full maturity rather than be removed when it grows too big.

It also means choosing plants that are drought-tolerant or love water, and placing them where they will thrive. You can find plants that fit this profile by making native plants a feature of your landscaping. By doing this, you help support birds, wildlife, and pollinators, as well as support biodiversity.

Planting drought-tolerant plants let you stop watering the flower beds every day, and planting something in the right spot means you don’t have to keep trimming it to stop it from growing into the corner of your house.

4 Seasons Landscaping

And no, we’re not talking about the infamous news conference. We mean putting real thought into your landscape design, and planting bulbs, flowers, evergreens, and trees that bloom and change color at different times, so you always have something interesting going on in your garden beds. 

Think spring bulbs and flowering trees that when the blossoms fade, the summer perennials are coming on, which give way to fall color. You can even plant items for winter interest, such as the red twig dogwood. 

Landscaping for a Changing Climate

In California, a landscaping trend is to garden for firescaping – using plants and trees that retain water and are less likely to immediately ignite, as well as installing stone paths and walls to add as firebreaks.

Here in the Mid-Atlantic, the focus is more on landscaping for flooding and excessive rain. This can include, but is not limited to:

  • Creating a dry creek bed that helps excess water drain and look great to boot
  • Creating a swale for the same purpose
  • Reducing runoff by using permeable pavers for patios, driveways, and walkways
  • Choosing plants that help control erosion
  • Creating a rain garden or using water-loving plants where rainwater collects

It helps to take photos of your property when there is heavy rain, so we can easily identify problem areas and come up with the right solutions for you.


What Is a Retaining Wall, and Do You Need One?

Get a Better Outdoor Experience with Lazo

We got our start in landscaping, and we stay up on all the latest trends and best practices. From helping our clients create a landscape design that complements their home to choosing the right plant material for the location to addressing drainage issues, we can help you embrace all of these landscaping trends. Your outdoor living space will look beautiful and will help the planet. It’s a win-win.

We work with homeowners throughout the Baltimore area, as well as York and Lancaster counties in southern Pennsylvania. Use our contact form or call 866-568-6264 to set up a consultation.


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